Once upon a time...actually last October a miracle happened here is this miracle's story.....
There once was a Collie called Lily.She lived in a old factory that had a light bulb that flickered occasionally.Lily had recently had 3 puppies and they were very hungry.She decided to go to the lush valley and see if she could find somehting for them to it.
On the other side of town lived a Golden Retriver called Brover.He's owners had gone on holiday and he went for a walk(or you could call it escaping) and couldn't find his way home.So he decided to go sleep under the umbrella of the ice cream shop.He always had enough to eat because the owner was very kind.

Lily had crossed the highway and was on her way to the valley.She found lots of food and thought she would stay the night here before heading back to here pups.When she woke up the next day she saw a orange butterfly she said hello and trotted off.

Brover was walking along the valley's river he went there occasionally to drink some fresh water and clear his mind.He drank a big slurp and turned around.He saw a orange butterfly.Brover said,"Sup" and walked away.He was heading for the highway to get back to his beloved ice cream shop umbrella.

Lily was about to cross the highway but she though it is awfully busy.She knew her pups were hungry so she crossed anyway.A big amoured bank car camping rush pass and she smashed into her.She went flying on the left lane and was fatally injured and was in danger.

At that moment Brover walk out of the valley's field.Oh no!He thought he had to do something he had seen that Collie before at the valley but was to hungry to care.Know he knew he had to go help her.He bolted across the highway and got to Lily he dragged her across to the valley's field.They slept the night there Brover keeping her warm.The next day she recovered and Brover took her to the ice cream shop.Lily told him about the pups.

Brover fetched them at the old factory with the flickering light and took them to the ice cream shop.At that moment Brover owner came to the ice cream job looking for a job.He's dad had told him Brover was missing and that a job would help him take his mind of it.Brover was lying with Lilly in the shade when Jerry came around the corner."Brover is that you!",he shouted and indeed it was Jerry adopted Lily and her puppies and Jerry called them Dude,Sup and WASUPYOPEEPS. but Brover disagreed he called them Orange,butter and fly and at that moment the orange butterfly at the valley fluttered in there hearts.

9/8/2013 04:35:26 pm

Hi Tomas like your website


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    Hi my name is Tomas.I'm 12 years old and live in South Africa!


    August 2013

